Lavender oil is one of the most widely used essential oils in the world. Used as a cure for headaches, lavender oil has been well known since ancient times.
Romans used lavender to scent their public baths and in the Middle Ages lavender oil was used by apothecary monks.
Lavender is also known to have the ability to rejuvenate cells quickly, speeding up the healing process for minor burns, for treating inflammation, cuts and healing flu.
When it comes to burns, lavender most likely started to be used in healing burns in the 1920s. Back then, a French perfume chemist René-M.G burned his hand in his laboratory. As soon as the incident happened, he plunged his hand into the nearest container, which was lavender oil. The pain was reduced quickly and the burn healed, with no scarring. Today aromatherapists consider the oil from lavender (lavendula angustifolia) as the most beneficial oil.
Lavender Oil Benefits
Lavender has antibacterial, antibiotic, antiseptic, deodorizing and antiviral properties.
Since the essential oils are so concentrated, they can be irritating to the skin. The lavender oil is anti-bacterial and anti-viral, safe to put even directly on your skin. Here are just a few reasons why you should have lavender oil at home:
- Hydrates and improves dry or scaly skin, ideal for blemished skin
- Excellent to have for a restful sleep, great for people with insomnia
- To relieve depression
- Improve mood
- Significantly reduces anxiety
- Relieving the sting of insect bites
- By adding lavender oil to massage oil it can help you relieve muscle tension
- Recommended for gastrointestinal disorders and to sooth indigestion, colic and bloating
Please note: lavender oil is not recommended if pregnant or breastfeeding.
Good to know: for a fresh scent, add essential lavender oil to unscented kitchen and laundry cleaning products.