Rosemary – Rosmarius Officinalis

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a well-known culinary herb, initially found around the Mediterranean region.

Famous not only for its aromatic smell, but rosemary is also popular for its essential oil and is often used in cooking as a tasty culinary spice, in cosmetics or as a medicine. Parts used: leaves, flowering tops.

In cooking, rosemary can be used on top of grilled meat such as chicken or seafood. It can be enjoyed as a tea or as an essential oil, and it can be used to treat different problems. For example, as a hair rinse or a cold/hot compress.

How Can Women Over 40 Benefit From Rosemary?

Rosemary is regarded as the ‘Herb of Remembrance’ and is dedicated to lovers. In ancient Greece, rosemary was known as a medicinally beneficial herb used for different health reasons; one was to improve memory. Often, rosemary was given to students to carry it around their necks during exams. It was believed it would help them improve their memory and recall information easier. Lovers used it to ensure fidelity. The smoke of burning rosemary was used to ward off sickness and evil demons, and the herb was hung around the home for protection. Unmarried women believed the name of their future husband would come to them during sleep if they placed rosemary under their pillow.

Rosemary is rich in antioxidants and very potent in rosmarinic acid. The antioxidants in rosemary are believed to reduce the formation of cancer-causing compounds. Also, rosemary leaves are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Using rosemary, women over 40 will not only feel vital but also ward off a lot of diseases and decrease the most common unpleasant symptoms related to the aging process. Rosemary:

Rosemary Benefits for Women
Rosemary Benefits – Learn More, Click HERE!

  • Helps with stiff joints
  • Improves your memory (by increasing blood flow to the head)
  • An excellent tonic
  • Improves circulation
  • Help prevent stomach and colon cancer
  • Eliminates bloating
  • Breaks up gas in the gut
  • Helps with digestion
  • Contains compounds that help mop up free radicals
  • It might help with Alzheimer’s disease
  • Rosemary has a mild sedating effect on the body and can calm tired-out nerves.


  • Memory. To improve your memory, concentration and energize your brain, inhale (if not allergic to rosemary) a drop of essential oil from a tissue.
  • Hair. If you suffer from dandruff, pour one cup of boiling water over 10 ml of rosemary essential oil. Rinse your hair with rosemary water.
  • Rheumatism. If you have rheumatism, take a daily bath with rosemary oil. Additionally, you can add sage, thyme, mint and marjoram to your rosemary bath.
  • Headache. Ease headache pain by rubbing a drop of Rosemary oil onto the back of your neck.
  • Aching muscles. Use rosemary in baths to treat aching muscles arthritis, gout, and sports injuries.

Please note: If you have high blood pressure, consider using other herbs internally for dandruff as rosemary can raise blood pressure.